To further support the Farmers and support the Field Agricultural extension workers,
YARD is establishing an Academy that will equip them with adequate skills and
competencies to address the challenges of Food insecurity, Mitigate climate change
effects and help build the health of the soils. The Academy will also establish a Soil
health Clinic and will provide space for the soil Clinic and working space.
Sebastian Maina Wambugu will spearhead the process and the establishment of the
Academy which is geared towards supporting Farmers in the region and beyond. It is a
huge milestone for the YARD as an organization. The layout plan is to train farmers on
Agro ecology practices areas to be covered/ trained on:-
- Soil and Water Conservation
- Soil fertility Management
- Seed Management
- Integrated Land use Design and Planning
- Diversification of farm Enterprises
- Crop pest and Disease Management
- Livestock production & Management
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